LANDIKOTAL: Peshawar High Court Bar Association senior lawyers on Monday visited Bars in district Kbyber and Landikotal press club where they held separate meetings with lawyers and journalists
The newly elected Peshawar High Court Bar Association Executive Body member senior lawyer Muhammad Qubais Khan Shinwari led the delegation.
The delegation first visited bars in Bara,Jamrud and Landikotal where local lawyers warmly welcomed and showered flowers leaves on the guests lawyers.
Advocate Junaid Khan,advocate Waqas Shinwari, Muhammad Bilal advocate, Safeel Bangash,Abbas Afridi advocate and Lalmadar Afridi were also with advocate Qubais Khan Shinwari.
Qubais Khan Shinwari thanked lawyers community for their vote in the recent Peshawar High Court Bar election and said that he would work for the betterment of the society. He urged fellow lawyers in district Khyber to work for an easement of their clients so that they could get timely justice. He said after decads in draconian laws the proper court system was the introduced in tribal areas which need time to be familiar for people in merged district. He said gradually tribal people would adjust in the court system which is much better then that tribal had before the merger.
Later the lawyers also visited Landikotal press club where he attended meet the press program.
Qubais Khan said that lawyers and journalists were the two wheels of a vehicle.He said it was a challenging responsibility for him to represent as bar member. He said he wanted to meet lawyers and other friends in district khyber who made his win possible.
Shinwari said tribal people severely suffered after they were merged into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.He said politicians failed to rias voice for the due right of tribal people they have as citizens.He said justice system was the ray of hope for tribal people whose grievances could be addressed to some extent.
The high Court Bar member said that he would take up the Khyber district people’s issues at Bar level so that they could find a durable solution for various long awaited issues including peace, jobs, education and trade.
Qubais said soon he would meet Peshawar High Court Bar president to discuss the lawyers related issues in district Khyber.