Yuletide: Drinking to stupor, worldly partying misrepresentations of Christmas – Daddy Hezekiah

…says drinking, committing all forms of immorality were clear misinterpretations of what the season symbolized

Founder, Leader and Arch-Bishop of Living Christ Mission Inc., His Grace, The Most Rev. Prof. Daddy Hezekiah has urged Nigerians to take advantage of the Christmas and New year celebrations to put smiles in faces of the poor and the less privileged by sharing what they have with them.

He said celebrating Christmas by drinking to stupor, committing all forms of immorality and worldly partying were clear misrepresentations and misinterpretations of what the season symbolized.

The cleric who doubles as Proprietor and Chancellor, Hezekiah University, Umudi, Imo State gave the advice in his special Christmas and New year message.

He frowned against spending valuable times on things that profit nothing.

He said, “As the Almighty and merciful God has kept us alive to see this year’s Christmas, it is important that we understand what it means, its significance and how best to celebrate it for it to be acceptable before Him.

“As a joyous moment, it is important to share what we have with the poor and the less privileged around us so that they too can be happy. 

“Don’t spend your valuable time on irrelevances and corruptions on the social media or things that do not profit. Avoid indecent dressing because your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

“May I sincerely and greatly thank the Almighty God, who through His steadfast love, great faithfulness, boundless grace, divine presence and unending goodness and mercies, has kept us alive to see and celebrate this year’s Christmas despite our shortcomings. 

“I’m aware, like you also know, that the year, 2022 has been a very tough one; characterised by several natural and man-made disasters such as flooding, sicknesses, diseases, death, rising insecurity, high-powered kidnappings, banditry, accidents and hunger.

“The year also witnessed hardship as a result of high-level economic backwardness, corruption, bad leadership, poor governance and other evils that have taken negative tolls on human existence. Yet, it pleased God to preserve our lives.”

On 2023 general elections, Daddy Hezekiah urged Nigerians not to allow themselves to be bought over with gifts, money or promises but rather, follow their conscience and vote sensibly.

“If we allow ourselves to be influenced with money and gifts, we will indirectly be extending our sufferings for another four years or thereabout. Therefore, obtain your permanent voters card and vote rationally, wisely, conscientiously, responsibly and reputably.

“I urge the federal government to please consider the plight of the people. We are a great nation blessed with enough natural/human resources and endowments that can make our country great again.

“We know that this is one of the right steps to curb the indiscriminate kidnappings, killings, social ills in the country. Hence, I sincerely appeal to the federal government to please consider the lives lost on daily bases to situations that can be truly aborted. 

“I also appeal to all politicians to please avoid imposing a leader on the people. Politics should not be a do or die affair. Therefore, elections should be allowed to be free and fair. 

“In 2019 elections, INEC performed poorly and I hope it would improve in the next elections in 2023 so as to win back people’s confidence in it.  

“Let the people be responsible for the leader they eventually elect and not being forced to accept one by rigging. The masses are suffering and the hope for the common man is radically being trampled on. 

“The Federal Government, the corrupt politicians and all those who rig elections should know that there is no way wise people will accept any leader imposed on them.

“We should please always remember that political positions will end; therefore you should always do things that will allow you move freely and happily amongst the people you governed.

“The Federal and State Governments should endeavour to equip the General hospitals in order to help the less privileged who cannot afford to go to expensive private hospitals. 

“May I also humbly appeal to the Federal Government to rebuild/refurbish the bad roads in Nigeria especially in the South East. These bad roads have claimed many lives and the Federal Government should not overlook this important situation. 

“Let me simply say that the bad roads are death traps therefore they need urgent attention because any delay will claim many more lives.

“I also urge the Federal Government to take education very seriously and settle their disagreement with Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) as this is adversely affecting the youths especially students. 

“To me, it is wrong to pay the members of ASUU half salaries, they have been owed over 9 months and as things are hard, let the Federal Government remember them so that they will give their best educationally. 

“The Federal Government should know that these lecturers have families to take care of, therefore they must be treated very well and given their due respect.   

“I wish to appreciate the Federal government for deeming it fit to honour me with the National Award as Officer of the Order of the Niger (OON). I sincerely thank and appreciate this national recognition.”

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