The Real Owners of REGEN-TEREM Hydro-Power Plant now seek Justice to recover Company

…Regen-Terem generates up to 5.2Megawatts per day

By: Dishon Smiley

After 6 years of seeking justice by the real owners of the Regen-Terem Hydro-Power plant, the accused have now been held in custody waiting to be taken to court.

The company as Mr. Francis Munialo narrates was started by a group of 6 individuals who came together and set up the plant in aid of generating electricity to the residents.

However, things went astray as 3 shareholders died leaving 3 alive, Francis Munialo one of the shareholders states that he was hit by a stroke for 8 years upon recovering the company had already been grabbed under new management.

In the process of enquiring more of what had happened he was told that the 3 shareholders who were left, one died in a mysterious death, the remaining were convinced by the accuser who are now in the custody to change the minutes, letters of resignation and the ownership of the company.

“The person who was behind that confessed that she was under instructions and named all the victims, one is in custody and all the information is with the police, ” Munialo explained.

Mr. Munialo is impressed by the way the DCI and the police have handled the matter, being hopeful that they will get justice and recover their company after the court ruling.

Moreover, Munialo is stating that due to change of governance, the process is now moving very fast compared to the previous regime where things were being slowed down.

The Real Owners of REGEN-TEREM Hydro-Power Plant now seek Justice to recover Company

Now the company is running as usual with the new management who changed the ownership, the company supplies electricity in Bungoma and some parts of Kakamega county.

“The company as per now generates up to 5.2Megawatts per day, Kenya Power receives the power on a national grid and distributes it,” Munialo said.

The owners want those who are intruding in the matter to keep off as police and DCI continue with more investigation.

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